You may notice we are out of stock on several items. We have had difficulties getting cases as they are also used for sporting goods purposes. The manufacture can’t keep up to recent demand and we have had several large ordered cancelled. Also our Dial Indicators we have been using for over a year has had some supply issues due to Covid-19 and tariffs. We expect to be back in stock on all items in 4-6 weeks from the date of this post.
We try to buy in the largest quantity we can to overcome the supply issues but we have finally overrun our supply and have large quantities on order with multiple suppliers. We will be testing new dial indicators and other cases as replacements but so far the ones we have tested haven’t measured up to our standards.
Unfortunately these issues also may lead to a price increase we can’t avoid as the cost has increased 25-40% in some cases. We will do our best to reduce this and keep the best quality products for our customers.
We apologize for the inconvenience and please contact us if you have any questions.