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Shipping Delays Due to COVID-19

We are experiencing some supply and shipping delays due to the outbreak of COVID-19. We are still operating and processing orders it has impacted how quickly we can get some orders out and how long they take to get to our customers. When we receive an order we will let our customers know the estimated ETA to ship.

International Orders have been hit the hardest. We are experiencing long delays in European customs. In some cases we have seen up to 7 weeks to process through. Due to this we will only be quoting express shipping internationally to insure better tracking of packages and quicker deliveries.

Practical Machinist Article

Our Spindle Square was mentioned in a great article on Practical Machinist on 2/4/19. The article discusses different mechanisms for tramming a machine and links to a video of Keith Rucker using our Spindle Square and to our Ebay auctions. As a result of the article we are getting some higher than expected order volume so orders are delayed a few days while we build up the backlog. Please keep in contact with us if you have any questions.

Metric Spindle Squares Underway!

We have started working on Metric Spindle Squares. It will be a few weeks before production gets up to where we publish them for sale. Here is a picture from our Instagram showing the first one off the line and another of the renders. Please contact us if you would like to pre-order a set.

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First Metric Spindle Square off the line! #spindlesquare

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Wood Creek Workshop Give Away

Please check out Wood Creek Workshop’s Youtube Channel where he is giving away one of our MagPens.

Randy Richard in the Shop

Randy just did a wonderful video demonstrating how to tram in your bridgeport style milling machine utilizing one of our Adjustable Spindle Squares. He does a great job showing how you reference the gauges and the back and forth that can occur as you tighten down the bolts on the head.

Drag Engraving Circuit Boards

Twitter user _MG_ has been utilizing our adjustable drag engraver to make very detailed circuit boards. He did a good overview video over on twitter:

New Adjustable Drag Engraver

We have had requests to build a drag engraver that allowed for adjustment. This is very useful when engraving delicate objects such copper clad in PCB circuit board prototyping. The new product is listed on our drag engraver product page. It allows the end user to swap springs and adjust using a setscrew at the back of the engraver. We include an extra lighter weight spring with the order.

Mag Pen and Drag Engraver Features on Abom79

Adam was nice enough to test out a couple of our products. We highly recommend checking out his youtube channel. He is a very knowledgeable individual with great content.

New Shop Build

We are replacing our existing shop with a new facility with greater power, better noise insulation, a stronger floor and better venting. During this time we expect to continue business until we sell out of our inventory. We are hoping to be operational again in 2-3 months. The demolition is scheduled to begin at the end of February 2019.

Inventory is limited but we have been working hard to build a surplus over the last few months. Once it is sold out we will mark the page and provide a newsletter signup to keep up to date when production starts back up.

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